Lesson plans 09-08-15

The Psychology of Immersion in Video Games

Students will study:
what makes a game immersive
the psychology of immersion
the immersive factor of immersion;

Study the immersive quality of video games
discuss immersion as it applies to video games
Watch Jane McGonigal’s TED talk on video games and immersion
Become immersed in video games


Assignment 9-8-15

Play 2 of your favorite games on your device or on the computer. Answer the following questions and turn them in or share them with me on google docs

1. What is the victory condition? How do you win.

2. What are the levels and how do you level up?

3. What is the playing environment? What does the game look like?

4. How do you play? How do you interact with the game?

5. Name 10 rules of the game.