Powerlifting Workout

Day 1 (chest, back, bis and tris)

Bench 3×8

Incline 3×8

Dumbbell chest flies 2×10

Lat rows 3×8

Lat Squeezes 2×10

Buddy curls 1-10

Killers 2x8x8x8


Day 2 (Quads, Hams & Calfs)

Squat 3×8

Box squat 3×8

Leg Press 3×8

Squat  cleans 3×8

Weighted Lunges 3xmatt

Calf Raises 2×12

Dumbbell Burpees 3×12


Day 3 (Dead lift)

Dead lift 3 x 8

Straight Legs 3×10

Shoulder Shrugs

Military Press 3×8

Upright rows 3×8

Dumbbell Delt Laterals

Dumbbell Delt Frontals

10 lb shoulder routine


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